متن استاتیک شماره 22 موجود نیست
مقالات: 2022-2018
نام مجله |
IF |
عنوان مقالات 2018 |
ردیف |
Spatio-temporal distribution analysis of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Qom Province, Iran |
2.3 |
1.1 |
Heliyon |
4 |
3.1 |
A health risk assessment of heavy metals in people consuming Sohan in Qom, Iran |
Data on emerging sulfur dioxide in the emission of natural gas heater in winter |
2.1 |
3.2 |
1.1 |
5.8 |
Trends of metals enrichment in deposited particulate matter at semi-arid area of Iran |
Desalination and Water Treatment |
1.1 |
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
2.6 |
0.144 |
3.1 |
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics |
2.4 |
4.5 |
The effect of amygdalin on endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress induced hepatic steatosis in mice
1.6 |
Adsorption of Congo Red Dye from Aqueous Solutions by Montmorillonite as a Low-cost Adsorbent |
3.8 |
1.8 |
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
Efficiency of multi walled carbon nanotubes for removing Direct Blue 71 from aqueous solutions
Journal of Research in Health Sciences |
Economic inequality in outpatient healthcare utilization: The case of Iran
1.8 |
Gender-age disparity of cancers' incidence in Iran
نام مجله |
IF |
عنوان مقالات 2019 |
ردیف |
In vitro anti-bacterial effect of nano-polyamidoamine-G5 dendrimer
Solid waste characterization and management practices in rural communities, Tehran and Alborz (Iran) |
3.1 |
4.2 |
4.3 |
3.1 |
4.2 |
Ambient particulate matter concentration levels of Ahvaz, Iran, in 2017 |
4.3 |
7.8 |
1.1 |
Iranian Journal of Health and Environment |
9.8 |
Air pollution and hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases in Ahvaz, Iran |
11.1 |
11.1 |
2.3 |
Tehran University Medical Journal |
Govaresh |
Blatchford and rockall systems in the prediction of upper gastrointestinal bleeding |
Progress in Nutrition |
The relation between brewed tea and drinking water with urinary fluoride concentration among youths
Iranian Journal of Epidemiology |
A survey of probable risk factors for cholera outbreak in Qom, Central Iran, in 2017
نام مجله |
IF |
عنوان مقالات 2020 |
ردیف |
Arabian Journal of Chemistry |
6 |
A novel silica supported chitosan/glutaraldehyde as an efficient sorbent in solid phase extraction coupling with HPLC for the determination of Penicillin G from water and wastewater samples |
- |
Effects of different wastewater treatment processes on occurrence and prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their resistance genes |
Toxin Reviews |
3.1 |
Characteristics, sources, and health risks of atmospheric PM10-bound heavy metals in a populated middle eastern city
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth |
3.7 |
Potential risk assessment of heavy metals in the Aharchai River in northwestern Iran
Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management |
- |
Photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin antibiotic from aqueous solution by BiFeO3 nanocomposites using response surface methodology |
Groundwater for Sustainable Development |
Integration of photo-oxidation based on UV/Persulfate and adsorption processes for arsenic removal from aqueous solutions
Indoor and Built Environment |
3.6 |
COVID-19 pandemic and sick building syndrome |
Work (Reading, Mass. |
2.3 |
Heat stress and physiological and perceptual strains of date harvesting workers in palm groves in Jiroft
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology |
3.1 |
Identification of temporal and spatial patterns of river water quality parameters using NLPCA and multivariate statistical techniques |
Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry |
Modeling and optimization of the electrochemical process for cefixime removal from water |
Journal of Environmental Treatment Techniques |
- |
Risk characterization and quantification of medical waste in QOM province
- |
Investigate of mercury contents in different spent fluorescent lamps in Iran
- |
Effects of different wastewater treatment processes on occurrence and prevalence of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their resistance genes |
3.6 |
COVID-19: Reopening public spaces and secondary health risk potential via stagnant water in indoor pipe networks
Journal of Military Medicine |
- |
Investigating the psychological consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak in the occupational society
Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases |
0.9 |
Impact of environmental and climate factors on spatial distribution of cutaneous leishmaniasis in northeastern Iran: Utilizing remote sensing
Reviews on Environmental Health |
3.9 |
Environmental and ecological factors of stomach cancer incidence and mortality: A systematic review study on ecological studies
Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran |
0.342 |
Comorbidity of metabolic syndrome components in a population-based screening program: A latent class analysis
ردیف |
عنوان مقالات2021
IF |
نام مجله |
The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields exposure on tinnitus, migraine and non-specific symptoms in the general and working population: A protocol for a systematic review on human observational studies
11.8 |
Environment International |
Correction to: Association between cancer risk and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons' exposure in the ambient air of Ahvaz, southwest of Iran (International Journal of Biometeorology, (2018), 62, 8, (1461-1470), 10.1007/s00484-018-1543-1)
3.2 |
International Journal of Biometeorology |
Reuse of Wood-Based Industrial Wastewater through Optimization of Electrocoagulation Process Using Aluminum and Iron Electrodes
Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment |
Retraction Note: Ambient particulate matter concentration levels of Ahvaz, Iran, in 2017 (Environmental Geochemistry and Health, (2019), 41, 2, (841-849), 10.1007/s10653-018-0182-0)
4.2 |
Environmental Geochemistry and Health |
A path analysis model of individual variables predicting safety behavior and human error: The mediating effect of situation awareness
3.1 |
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics |
Health risk assessment and source apportionment of heavy metals in atmospheric dustfall in a city of Khuzestan Province, Iran |
3.4 |
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering |
Comparison of poly ferric chloride and poly titanium tetrachloride in coagulation and flocculation process for paper and cardboard wastewater treatment
5.8 |
Environmental Science and Pollution Research |
Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 exposure assessment: dispersion modeling with AERMOD
3.4 |
Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering |
Risk assessment of occupational and public exposures to airborne particulate matter arising from a subway construction site in Tehran, Iran
5.1 |
Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health |
The effect of peer group education on anxiety, stress, and depression in older adults living in nursing homes
1.1 |
Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research |
Study of the Prevalence of COVID-19 Disease and Related Risk Factors in Two Groups of Industries with and without Occupational Health Management Systems
0.4 |
Journal of Health and Safety at Work |
Bidirectional association between COVID-19 and the environment: A systematic review
8.3 |
Environmental Research |
Evaluation of the toxic effects of ammonia dispersion: Consequence analysis of ammonia leakage in an industrial slaughterhouse
2.9 |
Medical Gas Research |
An investigation of the effects of environmental and ecologic factors on cutaneous leishmaniasis in the old world: A systematic review study
3.9 |
Reviews on Environmental Health |
Analysis of The Causal Relationships of Shift Work, Job Stress and Job Satisfaction with The Occupational Health Level based on Fuzzy DEMATEL Method: A Cross Sectional Study
0.4 |
Journal of Health and Safety at Work |
Effects of whole body vibration and backrest angle on perceived mental workload and performance
4.6 |
EXCLI Journal |
Awareness and performance towards proper use of disinfectants to prevent COVID-19: The case of Iran |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Arsenic Adsorption by TiO2 Nanoparticles Under Conditions Similar to Groundwater: Batch and Column Studies
3.2 |
International Journal of Environmental Research |
Modeling causal factors of occupational accidents in chemical industries: A 10-year field study in Iran
1.8 |
Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Prophylactic use of tranexamic acid on blood loss in cesarean delivery: A randomized controlled-clinical trial
0.6 |
Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products |
Prophylactic use of tranexamic acid on blood loss in Cesarean delivery: A randomized controlled- clinical trial
0.5 |
Trauma Monthly |
Serum eicosapentaenoic and arachidonic acids concentration and cognitive function in patients with coronary artery disease
1.7 |
Basic and Clinical Neuroscience |
Experience of Implementing Water Safety Plan in Iran: A Systematic Review |
Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development |
Association of non-organizational factors and occupational accidents: A field study based on structural equation modeling
Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology |
A Narrative Summary of Air Pollution Awareness: The Recent Modeling Implications
Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development |
Comparing the Accuracy of Ohmann and Alvarado Scoring Systems in Detection of Acute Appendicitis; a Cross-Sectional Study
5.4 |
Archives of Academic Emergency Medicine |
The relationship between safety climate components and occurrence of unsafe behaviors: A case study in a chemical industry
Journal of Military Medicine |
Comparison of clinical manifestations and risk factors of death in two age groups less and more than 50 years in patients with covid-19
1.4 |
Archives of Clinical Infectious Diseases |
Sexual and reproductive health challenges in temporary marriage: A systematic review
1.5 |
Journal of Research in Health Sciences |
Pulmonary consequences analysis of exposure to low concentrations of ammonia: A historical cohort study in fertilizer industries
Iranian Journal of Epidemiology |
Association between job satisfaction, burnout, and patient safety culture among medical staff of the qom university of medical sciences in 2020, iran
Journal of Occupational Health and Epidemiology |
Comparison of the effects of diltiazem gel with lidocaine gel on reducing pain and discomfort in patients undergoing rectosigmoidoscopy: A randomized double-blinded clinical trial
0.6 |
Current Drug Therapy |
ردیف |
عنوان مقالات2022
IF |
نام مجله |
3.9 |
Sustainability (Switzerland)
Investigating the Work-related Accidents in Iran: Analyzing and Comparing the Factors Associated With the Duration of Absence From Work |
- |
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal |
Modeling cause-and-effect relationships among variables affecting work stress based on fuzzy DEMATEL method
Letter to the Editor "Mobile phone electromagnetic radiation and the risk of headache: a systematic review and meta‑analysis |
3 |
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health |
Statins Enhance the Potency of First Line Anti-Helicobacter Regimens to that of Second Line Regimens
1 |
Process Safety Progress
Cause-Consequence Modeling of Occupational Accidents in Construction Sites: A Retrospective Study in Iran
Journal of Health and Safety at Work |
Integrated ultrasound-assisted magnetic solid-phase extraction for efficient determination and pre-concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from high-consumption soft drinks and non-alcoholic beers in Iran
3.1 |
Monitoring and Assessing Health Risk of Exposure to Nitrate Residues in Agricultural Products; Case Study in Qom Province, Iran
- |
Journal of Chemical Health Risks |
Journal of Health and Safety at Work |
Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Air Pollutants, in 2020 Compared to the Same Period in 2019 in Qom, Iran |
- |
Journal of Environmental Health and Sustainable Development |
Response to: "What is the radiation before 5G? A correlation study between measurements in situ and in real time and epidemiological indicators in Vallecas, Madrid
8.3 |
Environmental Research |
9.8 |
Science of the Total Environment |
6 |
Arabian Journal of Chemistry |
Ecological Problems of Gorgan Bay in the Southeast Corner of the Caspian Sea (Iran) and Ways of Improvement |
- |
11.8 |
Environment International |
Health effects of WiFi radiation: a review based on systematic quality evaluation |
12.6 |
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science |
Efficacy of Common Bile Duct Stenting on the Reduction in Gallstone Migration and Symptoms Recurrence in Patients with Biliary Pancreatitis Who Were Candidates for Delayed Cholecystectomy
3.1 |
Evaluation of the human cognitive performance and physiological responses in different thermal situations: A simulated study in controlled climatic room |
A field study of mental workload: conventional bus drivers versus bus rapid transit drivers
2.4 |
Ergonomics |
Risk characterisation and methods of improving practice for municipal waste management in disaster situations: A case study in Qom Province, Iran
Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies |
Short-term effect of meteorological factors on COVID-19 mortality in Qom, Iran
3.2 |
International Journal of Environmental Health Research |
2.6 |
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry |
3.4 |
Health impact assessment and evaluation of economic costs attributed to PM2.5 air pollution using BenMAP-CE |
3.2 |
Malignant lymphoma and occupational exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields and electrical shocks: A nested case-control study in a cohort of four Nordic countries
4.9 |
Occupational and Environmental Medicine |
Developing a risk assessment method for infectious diseases focusing on COVID-19 based on the Delphi method and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process
2.3 |
2.6 |
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry |